Zero Knowledge Proof — Introduction to RISC0 zkVM Source CodeRecently, I had some free time to explore RISC0’s source code. Zero-knowledge Virtual Machines (zkVMs) have always been a topic I wanted…Jan 211Jan 211
Zero Knowledge Proof — Introduction to SP1 zkVM Source CodeI have always been interested in zkVM. zkVM has brought the application of zero-knowledge proof technology into a new era. A few years ago…Jun 19, 2024Jun 19, 2024
Deep into AVM (Aleo Virtual Machine)Recently, I had some free time and took a look at Aleo’s AVM design. The design of the privacy-centric virtual machine requires a…Jun 2, 2023Jun 2, 2023
Zero Knowledge Proof — FPGA or GPU?Zero-Knowledge Proof now has a wider range of applications, such as privacy calculation, computational proving, consensus proving, and so…Sep 7, 2022Sep 7, 2022
Zero Knowledge Proof — one possible malleability of Groth16zkHack published a new Puzzle. Even though the Puzzle used an older zkp algorithm — Groth16 , it’s very interesting and very helpful to…Aug 17, 2022Aug 17, 2022
Zero Knowledge Proof — Error Explanation when developing Custom GateTo develop circuits on Halo2, we have to design custom gates. Occasionally, some errors occur while developing costume gates, this article…Jul 30, 20221Jul 30, 20221
Zero-Knowledge Proof — Privacy Delegation of ProversWhen watching the zkSummit7 videos recently, the first topic caught my attention:Jul 23, 2022Jul 23, 2022
Zero Knowledge Proof — Deep into zkEVM source code (MPT Circuit)The last two articles introduces the zkEVM circuit and State circuit of the zkEVM:Jun 18, 2022Jun 18, 2022
Zero Knowledge Proof — Deep into zkEVM source code (State Circuit)zkEVM is a kind of complicated Zero-Knowledge Proof application, it’s worth reading and learning its source code over and over again.Jun 11, 2022Jun 11, 2022
Zero Knowledge Proof — Deep into zkEVM source code (EVM Circuit)zkEVM is a kind of complicated Zero-Knowledge Proof application, it’s worth reading and learning its source code over and over again.May 19, 20221May 19, 20221